Certificate of Good Standing


Often, banks and those in business with you will want confirmation that not only are you fully compliant, but that you are who you say you are. We can help order your Certificate of Good Standing in your state and take care of it for you.

Get started today

$45 + state fees
Or Call To Order 1-877-777-0450
Trusted by thousands of businesses in all 50 states
20,000+ Reviews
No Fluff

Very quick and to the point. I appreciated that.

Johnny E Verified Order

How It Works

With our automated process, backed by our knowledgeable and experienced business experts, we make proving the legitimacy of your business easy.

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Answer a few quick questions

We know exactly where to go to order your Certificate of Good Standing quickly. Click a few buttons while logged into your secure online account and then relax.

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Mailed directly to you

Once you place the order, you're done. We have the states mail the Certificate of Good Standing straight to you, if available, or we forward it to you as soon as it arrives to our office.

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Expedited Process Available

When you need a Certificate of Good Standing in an emergency, we know exactly who to talk to about getting it done fast in your state.

Why Order Your Certificate Of Good Standing
With Swyft Filings Today?

Our knowledgeable staff has years of experience handling every type of filing for customers of all sizes.
Do what you love, let us handle the paperwork‎.

In today’s world when people question everything, the Certificate of Good Standing puts to rest any doubt that you really formed your entity and remain in compliance.


Many financial institutions request certified copies of your Certificate of Good Standing to open accounts or provide credit.


Sometimes you need to prove your validity and compliance in court with a Certificate of Good Standing.


If you are considering a sale or merger, the purchaser may want confirmation of the validity of your company.

We Take Care of Business, Your Business

Thousands of customers nationwide rely on Swyft Filings to take care of their business tasks

Efficient & trustworthy

Very informative, efficient and trustworthy. I will refer all my clients who are starting new businesses in the future. Thank you for your great service.

Erica F Verified Order
Swyft is the way to go

You've helped me before and did well. I'm back again. Thank you!

Ira D Verified Order
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Certificate of Good Standing FAQs

Still have questions? Call 877-777-0450 or Live Chat with us for real-time support

The Certificate of Good Standing is official notification from the government agency that confirms your entity was properly filed and is still in compliance.
There are times when you will need to prove you properly filed and remain in compliance. Sometimes banks require a Certificate of Good Standing. If you are going through a transaction such as a merger, sale, or financing, the other party may want a Certificate of Good Standing as part of their due diligence. Essentially, any time you need to show your business was properly formed and is still in compliance, you will likely need a Certificate of Good Standing.
Our fees are the same regardless of the state. Each state, however, charges a fee on top of that and it varies. The state fees range from $10-$75 and may also depend on the length of your document.
A typical order may take two to three weeks because we must rely upon government entities to mail documents. You may be able to request expedited service at an additional cost.

We're here to help.
Call 1-877-777-0450 to speak with a Business Specialist